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Suite 2Z, 2/F, Somkid Place, 6 Soi Somkid Ploenjit Road Lumpini 2 10330, Thailand
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02 650-3125
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As MBMG Group is not authorized to provide financial or investment advice in Thailand, we have instead identified, and work closely with, two multi-award winning and top-ranked global money managers – Scott Campbell and Martin Gray of MitonOptimal Guernsey (MOG). Their funds have outperformed the MSCI world index by as much as 240% over the last 10 years, demonstrating their ability to actively manage your money to achieve higher returns in both bull and bear markets.This was demonstrated in stark relief in 2008. While many investors worldwide saw dramatic losses in the value of their assets, the money managed by MOG grew 4% whilst the MSCI declined by 45%.The recent recovery in equity markets has lifted spirits and values, but it remains to be seen how sustainable the rebound will be.
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Significantly, those people who have relied on MOG have enjoyed a rebound in values from a much higher base than those with index-linked investments and the strategies recommended by our consultants continue to perform strongly.Listed in categories
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