Microplus Superfood Co., Ltd. - Thailand
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Microplus Superfood Co., Ltd.
Phaya Thai, Krung Thep, Thailand
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Establishment year 2010
Employees 11-50
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Company description
Our company, spearheaded by our founder and renowned local celebrity, Miss Sara Nalin Hohler, has recently launched four different colored 40ml shots in Thailand to a very warm welcome. Each of the four formulas contain over four months of shelf-life and offer 200% of the recommended daily intake of nutrition from vegetation, along with additional health benefits unique to each formula.
To promote these products, we are retailing at all reputable franchises and retailers in Bangkok, along with heavy celebrity endorsements. Moreover, our “microplus superfood shots campaign” has a policy to support reforestation initiatives to help save the environment.
We are now looking for a partner to help us commercialize our products abroad while simultaneously conserving the environment.
To promote these products, we are retailing at all reputable franchises and retailers in Bangkok, along with heavy celebrity endorsements. Moreover, our “microplus superfood shots campaign” has a policy to support reforestation initiatives to help save the environment.
We are now looking for a partner to help us commercialize our products abroad while simultaneously conserving the environment.
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