Preschool and Kindergarten

Preschool and Kindergarten
About the product
Preschool and Kindergarten offers a wealth of experiences for the children. The daily schedule includes: calendar activities, job charts, discussion and reflection, centers, outdoor play, specials, snack and lunch.

Through the Unit of Inquiry, the children delve deeper into the transdisciplinary subjects:

Science (human body, environment, water, etc.)
Social Studies (the family, different cultures, maps, etc.)
Visual Arts (paper mache, paint, clay, collage, etc.)
Language Arts (class discussions, dramatic play, writing, reading, phonics, etc.)
Math (sorting, counting, measuring, shape recognition, etc.)
The program is 5 days a week from 8:00am to 2:00pm (lunch included) with the option of After School Clubs. The Creativity Class has one head teacher, one co-teacher and a shared nanny with the Excellence Class.
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