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Company name
5th Floor, Progress Landmark Bldg., 69 Soi Charoen Krung 39, (Soi Sanjaojed), Si Phraya, 2 10500, Bangkok, Thailand
Contact number
+66 2 237 3180
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
How can we as a company live up to our motto "Infinite Customer Service"? As a supplier of specialty chemicals and raw materials serving a wide range of industries in Thailand, we constantly ask ourselves how we can improve customers' operations, make faster deliveries to customers, give better advice to customers so they churn out state-of-the-art and eco-friendly products within shorter time and at lower costs. All these we wholeheartedly share with our customers from the wealth of experience accumulated within our technical marketing staff, also information received from suppliers.
Colossal International (Thailand) Co., Ltd. operates as sole agent for a number of specialty chemical producers from Europe, USA, Australia, Japan, China and India and the industries that we serve cover
What we value the most as a company are honesty and integrity towards business partners. Since we treat your customers and suppliers in exactly the way as we would like to be treated, we do enjoy, as a result, the fruit of excellent relationship coming from all sides.
Colossal International (Thailand) Co., Ltd. operates as sole agent for a number of specialty chemical producers from Europe, USA, Australia, Japan, China and India and the industries that we serve cover
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the following: paints and coatings, inks, plastics, rubber, building and construction, animal feed, agriculture, home and personal care, cosmetics, food and pharmaceuticals, metal working fluids, lubricating oils, textile, pulp and paper, ceramics and enamels, leather, glass, petroleum, electroplating, water treatment and sugar refinery. A list of suppliers is available in the "Suppliers" section of this website.What we value the most as a company are honesty and integrity towards business partners. Since we treat your customers and suppliers in exactly the way as we would like to be treated, we do enjoy, as a result, the fruit of excellent relationship coming from all sides.
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